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mission, values, and vision

The Leadership Team has made an effort to put into words our core values, mission statement,

and vision statement. These serve several important purposes within Cherry Glade:


1. Guidance and Direction: They provide a clear sense of purpose and direction for the congregation. Core values outline the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide decision-making and behavior within Cherry Glade. The mission statement articulates our purpose and primary objectives. And the vision statement depicts the future aspirations and goals providing a long-term perspective on accomplishing our mission.


2. Alignment and Focus: Core values, mission statement, and vision statement help align and focus the actions and decisions of individuals within leadership as well as the congregation with our overall objectives and values. They ensure that everyone is working towards common goals and objectives, fostering unity and cohesion within Cherry Glade.


3. Communication: Core values, mission statement, and vision statement serve as powerful communication tools, both internally and externally. They communicate our values, purpose, and goals to members as well as the community, fostering transparency and trust.


4. Evaluation and Accountability: They provide a basis for evaluating where our heart is and whether we are loving God and others well, by providing a rubric to compare what we say to what we live out. Core values, mission statement, and vision statement can be used as criteria for assessing whether we are staying true to our values, achieving our objectives, and making progress towards our vision.

Mission statement

We exist to bring God glory and advance His kingdom by preaching, teaching, and living the gospel.

vision statement

The vision of the congregation is to reach out with the gospel and bring into the fellowship of believers those who come to a saving faith in Christ; establish and strengthen the Christian life of each believer; promote the welfare and unity of the church by providing opportunities of worship, instruction and fellowship; carry out the work of the church through the planning of Christian service and activity; and safeguard the purity of the church through exercise of scriptural discipline. By the grace of God, we hope to accomplish this through being a church that exhibits an active prayer life, intentional discipleship through community, fervent faith demonstrated in obedience, Biblical teaching and application, united fellowship of believers, sincere God-centered worship, and living out the gospel.

Active Prayer:  When we pray in faith, in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, God hears us and moves. Intercession, petition, confession, thanksgiving, and praise are forms of prayer that should rise naturally out of our daily lives as we grow in our faith.


Intentional Discipleship: Our relationships, influence and resources should be devoted to growing with and walking alongside others in pursuit of Jesus, so that we would become more and more like Him.

Fervent Faith – We rely completely on Jesus, trusting in His infinite power, and love, and resting in His accomplished work on the cross. We believe Jesus’ teachings and in faith we walk in obedience to what He commands.


Biblical Teaching: We know that God’s Word is the source and measure of truth and from it we derive our knowledge of God for: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (1 Timothy 3:16-17).

United Fellowship: Because we are united to Christ we are in communion with the Triune God and other believers. Together we share one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:5-6).

Sincere Worship: Worship is not merely an outward act, but a posture of the heart. Worship is the acknowledgment of God and all His power and glory in everything we do and the highest form of praise and worship is obedience to Him and His Word because He is worthy.

Gospel Living: We are called to live out our faith in such a way that demonstrates we have received new life and points people to Jesus. This is a God-centered life marked by sacrificial love for others.

Core Values

Our guiding principles and attributes we aspire to possess.



Reflecting the love and heart of Jesus.



Seeking the guidance of the Holly Spirit through prayer, scripture, and the gathered community.



Pursuing truth in all things through the lens of scripture.



Serving the Lord, His church, and the world with humility and love.

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Cultivating relationships and building up the body of Christ.



Committed to righteousness and devoted to unity.



Caring for all God's gifts and the resources of the Church, and using them to bring Him honor and glory.



Displaying meekness, gentleness, and mercy and acting as instruments of reconciliation and justice.

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